New Year Fresh You


Happy New Year everyone from all of us here at Lume!

It’s the start of the new decade so I thought I’d write something a little bit different.

People tend to say New Year New You but I prefer New Year Fresh You. I don’t think we should feel the need to constantly recreate ourselves (yes this is coming from the lady who is constantly changing her hair!) Changes don’t have to mean a complete overhaul. It can however mean an update.

What do I mean by update? By simply tweaking how you do, say or wear things you can change how you feel about them. Whether it’s making a resolution to be more positive, quit a bad habit or simply be kinder, small changes can make a big difference.

My personal New Years Resolution is to be more focused whether that be on my career and business or my personal life. We all prioritize different things so find what means the most to you and make the most of it.

But what do these things mean for your wardrobe? How we dress can change how other people see us but more importantly it changes how we look at ourselves.

Self love has been a big thing and yes it is super important to love yourself but I think we should prioritize self care. The quickest way for me to give myself care is to get up and get dressed. Yes somedays I just want to stay curled up in bed but lets face it that’s not practical. Thats why I keep my wardrobes basics at hand to perk myself up with minimal effort.

To me a basics wardrobe consists of

  • Jeans in your preferred fit

  • Comfy work trousers and skirt

  • A relaxed dress shirt

  • Jumper

  • 2x Basic t-shirts

  • Loose fit dress

  • Low heels or in your comfiest height

  • Dressy trainers

  • Cosy cardigans

  • Rain Mac

  • Blazer

  • Carry all tote

I keep all of these in neutral grays, tan and black. This may sound like a very basic wardrobe but this is what I wear when I need to feel productive on a down day.

January can be a blue month after the stress of December, the empty bank account and the fact we’ve gotten used to being around family and friends all the time. Getting back to reality can be hard on our mental health. has labelled Monday 21st January as the gloomiest day of the year. This means it’s the day that mental health is at it’s worst, It’s pre payday, it’s been almost a month since Christmas and you’re well into your work routine again.

Having to make minimal effort and/or cleaning out unused items can help mental health even if it’s just in a small way.

If you are being or have been affected by this then please talk to someone. A family member or friend can really help by simply listening so also keep an eye out for friends who may need a friendly ear.

Look after yourselves and I wish you all the Happiest New Year!


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